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Psychotherapy for teens
We all experience challenging times in our lives,
and the teen years are no exception.

I'm here when those times arise for your teenager.
The therapeutic process provides the space to be angry, sad, indifferent or highly emotional without judgment, which is crucial during adolescence. Because teens tend to be open to new ideas and new ways of perceiving things, the right support has a profound effect on their well-being. With that being said, it's also a normal part of their developmental process to feel like they have all the answers. Therefore, teens can be resistant to both self-exploration and seeking psychological support from their parents. They often turn to external sources such as friends, Facebook, blogs, etc. Therapy, however, provides an opportunity for teens to turn to a trusted professional who can help enhance mood, improve decision making and strengthen relationship dynamics. The skills teens learn in therapy will be utilized continuously as they progress and thrive throughout adulthood. Things do get better!
How it works
Depending on your child’s age and needs, I often utilize an approach called Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, a practice that addresses the overwhelming thoughts and emotions which lead to anxiety and depression. I also use art, music and talk therapy to aid in the expression, processing and release of emotions. Using evidence-based methods, I help teens cope with the difficulties they face and successfully make appropriate changes. Along with clear message that I take all concerns very seriously, I have also found using humor to be extremely effective when confronting teens about their behavior. Humor can be a great aid in removing shame and breaking down defenses. My expertise is in creating an environment that is conducive to helping teens work through their challenges and complications of their internal world. I specialize in working with issues related to:

  • Academic concerns
  • Isolation
  • Parent separation & divorce
  • Struggles with peer relationships
  • Anxiety
  • Depression

  • Self-harm behaviors
  • Stress management
  • Social skills
  • Trauma
  • Medical/physical illness
  • Grief and loss